Newfound treasure trove
Yesterday was moderately interesting day, rather typical one. However, it became special when I have found a source of delicious reads for a couple of months or years more likely. It is the Brain Pickings by Maria Popova. I have only begun to find out the range of her writings, but it seems to cover a lot and somehow all that I have already read fits into my interests as well. It is hard not to jump after reading one to another then another then another still. This might be my doom indeed, as the familiar desire to read on and on, normally contained by finitude, as it were, of books, steers at the bottom of my cranium. The insatiable monster demands more and now I must share it too, as bequeathed by Terry Pratchett “ Getting an education was a bit like communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on. ”